
Ah Counter

  • Your job is to track those times when someone makes a vocal sound to fill the gaps that happens as they think of what to say. These are collectively referred to as "Ahs." Examples are:

    • Ahhh, Ummm,

    • You Know

    • OK, so

    • Repeated words (I I, You you, etc.)

  • When asked to explain your duties at the start of the meeting, you should include include the following.

    • You will track each ahhh, ummm, etc. for each person

    • At the end of the meeting, you will give a report

    • The fine will be 5 cents for each infraction.

    • There is a maximum fine of 50 cents.

  • In your report at the end of the meeting:

    • Let each person know their total number of "Ahs," and give examples of any that were especially prevalent, perhaps grouping them similar to the list above.

This is an example video for the Ah Counter role from Youtube. It gives you a general idea of the role.

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